Animation Pack 1Recent additions to the RuneScape engine have allowed us to make some improvements to the game’s animations.
As you can see by the heading, this release is called Animation Pack 1, as this will be an ongoing project. These improvements will take time, however, so we have grouped the animations that we're improving into packs, so we can release them as we complete them, rather than keeping you waiting.
This pack focuses on some of the most popular melee weapons and their animations (abyssal whip, the godswords, Zamorakian spear, Saradomin sword, Dharok’s axe, and dragon and rune longswords and scimitars), tweening (animation smoothing), and updates to the Agility animations.
We hope you enjoy these updates as much as we've enjoyed creating them; make sure to keep an eye out for future animation updates.
For a more in-depth look at these improvements, check out this recent dev blog. It takes you through the process in more detail.
Mod Paul BRuneScape Lead AnimatorPoison Arrow Pub and AquaniteFrom time to time, we like to open up a forum thread to give you, the players, the chance to come up with specific ideas to add to the game. We then put our favourite ideas into a poll and let the community vote for their favourite. This time, it was to name and fill the vacant pub in Ardougne, and to name a new Slayer creature.
This isn’t because we run out of ideas – far from it! - it’s so you get a chance to genuinely contribute to the content in the game. Of course, we read as many suggestions as we can every day, but running forum threads, discussing your suggestions and knowing that there would be a definite result at the end of the work is a great way to add content to the game.
So, this month, we’re delighted to add the Poison Arrow pub to Ardougne and the aquanite Slayer creature. The pub is just south of Ardougne’s east bank and is filled with a host of suggestions that all came from you! The aquanite is a level 78 Slayer creature that deals magic damage, so do take care if you’re going to visit. You’ll find them at the end of the Fremennik Slayer Dungeon, past the kurasks – you can’t miss them.
Mod Mark
Lead DesignerIn other news...
You will now be properly classed as being 'in combat' when you are attacking someone else, even if you've not been attacked back. Also, if you teleport while in combat, you will now lose 20% of your Earning Potential (EP).
Korvak in the Runecrafting Guild has had his chat improved to make it easier to ask for help with any essence pouches you may have on you.