Monday, July 20, 2009

Making money in Runescape

You are new to Runescape and have been playing for a few days, and you have raised some levels in a few skills, but you do not have enough money to buy some nice items.

Well, there are various ways to make money in the game. Being a member definitely has it’s advantages as you have more resources and skills available to make money in. I play to enjoy the game and the money comes automatically while I skill and raise my levels.

Herblore (a member skill) was a great money making skill for me before the introduction of the Grand Exchange. With the introduction of the Grand Exchange, the price of items just dropped in value but prices in most commodities have increased over the past year.

I recommend that you find a skill you enjoy doing and level in that skill, preferably a non combat skill. Instead of power leveling (dropping the commodity or trading it to others) bank everything and then sell the items on the Grand Exchange. Woodcutting gives you logs which usually sells fast on the Grand Exchange. Mining gives you ore which you can smelt into bars. Mithril and Adamantite bars are big sellers as many buy those to level quickly in smithing.

Merchanting items is another way of making money, but it can also carry a lot of risk. There are merchanting clans who try and manipulate the market in order to make big profits. Everyone has their own way of making money. Some players are successful and others are not. Try talking to other players to find out how they make money. You can also have a look at merchanting tips and making money for help.

NB!!! - Remember never to use your Runescape name or password on any other site except that of Runescape’s official website. Also, never try and cheat as you will get banned from the game when you are caught… so the using of any auto programs are strongly discouraged.

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