Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Distractions and Diversions: Penguin Hide and Seek

Penguin Hide and Seek is a mini game which was released in September 2008. You have to be a member to play this mini game once a week. It resets every Wednesday. It is a fun mini game and best done in a group. There are dedicated clan chats (cc’s) where players help each other to locate these penguins. This mini game can be played on any world, but world 60 is the dedicated world for this game.

No quest is needed to play this mini game but in order to receive a maximum of 16 points each week, it is recommended to complete the following quests to access all areas:
  • Cabin Fever
  • Icthlarin's Little Helper
  • Ghosts Ahoy
  • Mourning's Ends Part I
  • Regicide
  • The Fremennik Trials
  • The Fremennik Isles
  • Monkey Madness
  • Priest in Peril
  • Hunt for Red Raktuber
Pop over to Larry at Ardougne Zoo and chat to him. He will explain the mini game to you and he will give you clues to the locations of the 10 penguins and 1 polar bear and give you a book to help you keep track of your points.

When you see a penguin, spy on it. You can check your penguin book to see if it has been registered. There are 6 penguin disguises. The polar bear is always found in a well and will not move until it has been reset the following Wednesday.

Recommended things to take:
  • Teleport runes
  • Teleport jewelry
  • Coins
  • Summoning creature
  • Food
  • Anti poison
  • Water tiara or water pouches

Once you have found all the penguins, go back to Larry at Ardougne Zoo and you can not cash in your points for gold or experience. The majority of players take the experience. Players can save up to a maximum of 50 points before spending them.

You can choose between:
  • 6500 coins per Penguin Point or
  • Experience in any skill – all points will be spent at once
Experience point calculation:
25 × skill level × points exchanged = Experience gained for the desired skill

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Penguin Locations: week 29 July 2009

Distractions and Diversions: Penguin Hide and Seek

The penguin locations below are where I last found them. Please go to a penguin cc, namely: w60_penguins or penguins_w60 and ask for updated locations.
  1. Draynor - east of bank - near jail and ham base – Bush – 1 point
  2. Piscatoris - Fairy Ring: AKQ - west of fairy ring by the water – Crate – 2 points
  3. Elf - at Tirannwan enterance/limestone – Rock – 2 points
  4. Elf - south of elf camp – Toadstool – 2 points
  5. Rellekka - cow pen – Rock – 1 point
  6. Desert - Shanty Pass - running about outside – Cactus - 2 points
  7. Desert - south of Nardah - behind agility course – Cactus - 1 points
  8. White Wolf Mountain - bottom of mountain on Taverley side – Rock – 1 point
  9. Yanille - south wall – Rock – 1 point
  10. Ape Atoll - outside city - south of enterance running about near the water and dungeon – Barrel – 2 points
  11. Polar bear - East Varrock well - at family crest point (cooking gloves)- 1 point

Have fun hunting the penguins this week.

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

RS Updates: Animation Pack 1 and Poison Arrow Pub and Aquanite

Animation Pack 1

Recent additions to the RuneScape engine have allowed us to make some improvements to the game’s animations.

As you can see by the heading, this release is called Animation Pack 1, as this will be an ongoing project. These improvements will take time, however, so we have grouped the animations that we're improving into packs, so we can release them as we complete them, rather than keeping you waiting.

This pack focuses on some of the most popular melee weapons and their animations (abyssal whip, the godswords, Zamorakian spear, Saradomin sword, Dharok’s axe, and dragon and rune longswords and scimitars), tweening (animation smoothing), and updates to the Agility animations.

We hope you enjoy these updates as much as we've enjoyed creating them; make sure to keep an eye out for future animation updates.

For a more in-depth look at these improvements, check out this recent dev blog. It takes you through the process in more detail.

Mod Paul B
RuneScape Lead Animator

Poison Arrow Pub and Aquanite

From time to time, we like to open up a forum thread to give you, the players, the chance to come up with specific ideas to add to the game. We then put our favourite ideas into a poll and let the community vote for their favourite. This time, it was to name and fill the vacant pub in Ardougne, and to name a new Slayer creature.

This isn’t because we run out of ideas – far from it! - it’s so you get a chance to genuinely contribute to the content in the game. Of course, we read as many suggestions as we can every day, but running forum threads, discussing your suggestions and knowing that there would be a definite result at the end of the work is a great way to add content to the game.

So, this month, we’re delighted to add the Poison Arrow pub to Ardougne and the aquanite Slayer creature. The pub is just south of Ardougne’s east bank and is filled with a host of suggestions that all came from you! The aquanite is a level 78 Slayer creature that deals magic damage, so do take care if you’re going to visit. You’ll find them at the end of the Fremennik Slayer Dungeon, past the kurasks – you can’t miss them.

Mod Mark
Lead Designer

In other news...

You will now be properly classed as being 'in combat' when you are attacking someone else, even if you've not been attacked back. Also, if you teleport while in combat, you will now lose 20% of your Earning Potential (EP).

Korvak in the Runecrafting Guild has had his chat improved to make it easier to ask for help with any essence pouches you may have on you.

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Friday, July 24, 2009

Barrows: Doubled teamed.

Last night I was happily doing Barrows when I got doubled teamed by one of the brothers... the worst one. I got an item on my first trip, Dharok's platelegs. I thought that it was a sign of something good to happen. On my 10th trip (and no further items), I was a bit two-minded about doing that last trip as I was getting tired.

Off I went hoping for one more item ... running around the tunnels in barrows looking for the door to the chest room when Dharok finds me. What I usually do when I find Dharok or Karil in the tunnel, I go back through the doors I came to recharge prayer and then go out and kill them. Well, I did that and another Dharok appeared. This is the 3rd time it's happened to me and it's happened with Dharok on all 3 occasions. I get attacked by both Dharok's. Just as I'm about to kill the one Dharok, my prayer runs out and they both hit me...and I found myself in Falador.

I rushed back to the bank to get some teleports and food and rush down to Barrows, but I had forgotten to take a spade so had to teleport back to the bank. I finally made it to Barrows again... and I'm soooo close to where I died... and my 5 minutes run out.

Jagex really need to fix that bug and a 5 min grave (the best one) is just not long enough if nobody is prepared to bless it. So yeah, I lost my items... and now I'll have to do Barrows again until I get them all back again. *sniff*.

I'd really love it if a 10 min grave was introduced.

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Penguin Locations: week 22 July 2009

Distractions and Diversions: Penguin Hide and Seek

The penguin locations below are where I last found them. Please go to a penguin cc, namely: w60_penguins or penguins_w60 and ask for updated locations.
  1. Fally farmyard - at chickens - bush – 1 point
  2. McGrubor's Wood. - fairy ring: ALS - bush - 1 point
  3. Miscellania, - fairy ring: CIP - at teak trees by the bank - bush - points
  4. Wildy - lvl 31 behind Bounty Hunter - rock - 2 points
  5. Wildy - Lava Maze - can be viewed from outside the maze on Northern side
  6. Lighthouse - near the broken bridge - rock - 1 point
  7. Jatizso - in anvil house - bush - 2 points
  8. Mos Le’Harmless – on eastern wall (north of the bank) - barrel – 2 point
  9. Karamja - shipyard - fairy ring: DKP - south west of shipyard - bush - 1 point
  10. Al-Kharid – at duel arena teleport - cactus – 1 point
  11. Polar Bear - Rimmington well - 1 point
Have fun hunting the penguins this week.

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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Quest Guide: The Curse of Arrav

This was a short, fun and easy quest to do. This is a members quest.

Requirements to start The Curse of Arrav:
  • 37 Slayer
  • 41 Summoning
  • 61 Agility
  • 64 Ranged
  • 64 Mining
  • 64 Strength
  • 66 Thieving
Must have completed the following quests:
  • Defender of Varrock
  • Shades of Mort’ton
  • Troll Romance
  • The Tale of the Muspah
  • Missing my Mummy
  • and must have completely restored Senliten to 100%
Recommended items: pickaxe, trollheim teleports or games necklace and climbing boots if you are walking up, a weapon and some food, pharaoh scepters, crossbow, grapple and a water tiara.

Starting point: Ali the Wise in Nardah.
  1. Talk to Ali the Wise.

  2. Go to Trollheim mountain - teleport if you can.
  3. Go down the mountain and just before the the trolls who throw rocks at you, take the path on your left handside (and go north).
  4. Walk up the path - where you went for the Desert Treasure quest (don't go through those gates). On the left hand side, you will find a dungeon. Go through there and run run all the way to the end.

  5. Exit the cave and then head east to another cave and go inside.
  6. You will need your pickaxe for this part. Mine your way though the tunnel and collect the 4 tablets, namely: stone, granite, slate and shale
  7. Once you get to the end of the tunnel, you will come to a room. Search the bookcases and you will find notes a - j.
  8. Go upstairs.
  9. You will meet Arrav and he will attack you. He will teleport once you have done some damage to him.

  10. Go through the south door and search the tapestry. You will find a brass key and base plans.

  11. Go back to Ali the Wise in Nardah.
  12. Ali will show you a cut scene explaining the base plans.
  13. He will tell you to go back to the mummy (from the previous quest) - the Pharaoh Queen and talk to her.
  14. She will give you a canopic jar and tell you to fill it with sacred oil (made in the swamp at Shades of Morton - go to world 77 if you can't buy any on the GE), a ring of life and 3 dwellberries (found in McGrubbers Woods).
  15. Go back to Ali the Wise in Nardah.
  16. He will show you a cut scene about the base plans.
  17. He will tell you to go to the dungeon under the Chaos Alter in lvl 11 wildy. You need a grapple and crossbow, the brass key, insulation boots (slayer item) and a remote viewing (use a macaw).
  18. Don't bother killing any monsters. Just run all the way until the end where you will see the "human sensors".
  19. Go to west room and then enter the pipe. You are now in a tunnel. Run until you get to the end of the tunnel. Ensure that you are wearing your insulation boots.
  20. You will see another pipe. Summon your macaw and then use it's remote view. The macaw will ensure that everything is clear and you will appear on the other side.
  21. Go to the south room and search the tables - get notes k - z. Pick lock the chest and get a code key - my code was fdbc (it's different for everyone).
  22. Go to the steel doors and click on the keypad. Use your arrow keys and move the decoder strips to the letters on the left.
  23. Let me explain. Since my code was FDBC, I clicked on the the 1st decoder strip and moved it to "F". A number will show up in the open space on the decoder strip. Put that number in the keypad. Move to your 2nd number and repeat the process. For me, I took my 2nd decoder strip and put it on the "D".
  24. So, my end result was FDBC = 1602.
  25. The door will open for you. Use your grapple on the pipe. You will hop across the sensors to the other side. Take the heart and it will automatically be put into your canopic jar.
  26. Teleport out of the room and go to Ali the Wise in Nardah.

  • 1 Quest Point
  • 2,500 Slayer Experience
  • 4,000 Summoning Experience
  • 9,000 Range Experience
  • 9,000 Strength Experience
  • 9,000 Agility Experience
  • 14,000 Thieving Experience
  • 30,000 Mining Experience

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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

RS Updates: The Curse of Arrav

In your adventures you may have heard of an unusual gathering in the north - a gathering of powerful and dangerous creatures called the Mahjarrat. Ali the Wise has received news from one of his contacts of a tunnel underneath the area where the Mahjarrat are supposedly gathering. It’s not a natural cave, either: someone deliberately made it. But who? What connection did they have to the Mahjarrat now gathering above? Have they left any clues behind? Some exploring may be in order!

This quest is a continuation of the Mysteries of the Mahjarrat quest series. It’s also a sequel to a previous quest I wrote - Defender of Varrock. I’m glad that I got to expand on some of the themes I started in the previous Arrav-based quest. There is more to come, though…

RuneScape Content Developer

In other news...

We've improved the behaviour in the Mobilising Armies waiting rooms to start more games with the required 20 players, rather than just one at a time.

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Monday, July 20, 2009

Making money in Runescape

You are new to Runescape and have been playing for a few days, and you have raised some levels in a few skills, but you do not have enough money to buy some nice items.

Well, there are various ways to make money in the game. Being a member definitely has it’s advantages as you have more resources and skills available to make money in. I play to enjoy the game and the money comes automatically while I skill and raise my levels.

Herblore (a member skill) was a great money making skill for me before the introduction of the Grand Exchange. With the introduction of the Grand Exchange, the price of items just dropped in value but prices in most commodities have increased over the past year.

I recommend that you find a skill you enjoy doing and level in that skill, preferably a non combat skill. Instead of power leveling (dropping the commodity or trading it to others) bank everything and then sell the items on the Grand Exchange. Woodcutting gives you logs which usually sells fast on the Grand Exchange. Mining gives you ore which you can smelt into bars. Mithril and Adamantite bars are big sellers as many buy those to level quickly in smithing.

Merchanting items is another way of making money, but it can also carry a lot of risk. There are merchanting clans who try and manipulate the market in order to make big profits. Everyone has their own way of making money. Some players are successful and others are not. Try talking to other players to find out how they make money. You can also have a look at merchanting tips and making money for help.

NB!!! - Remember never to use your Runescape name or password on any other site except that of Runescape’s official website. Also, never try and cheat as you will get banned from the game when you are caught… so the using of any auto programs are strongly discouraged.

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Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Price of Weapons

With the update of Wednesday regarding changes to pvp (player vs player) worlds where players would be skulled once logged in and that the protect item prayer would no longer work on these worlds, there was pandemonium.

Many pvpers/pkers ran to the Grand Exchange (GE) to sell their items expecting all the expensive ones to crash in price. Dragon claws and godswords were selling at their lowest price. Owners of these items were trying to salvage as much of their fortune as possible that was invested in these items. Buyers of these items thought that it was now a perfect opportunity to buy one of these much desired items for a lower price.

Runescape forums were going crazy with rants regarding this update. I’m not a pvper nor pker, so I wasn’t directly affected by this update, but even I thought that it was not a good one and suspected that Jagex would try and rectify it (like some of their other updates).

Friday, about midday GMT, Jagex released another update. Yes, it was to rectify the update of Wednesday. A new world was designated and on this world, players would be allowed to keep their most expensive item, namely their weapon.

With this update, prices of weapons shot up and were now selling at maximum price. Those not online at the release of this update and still had items on for sale lost out as buyers bought all available weapons on the GE in order to make a profit.

Pkers/pvpers have been having an unfair advantage over skillers as they receive huge gains for their little time and effort. The main point I play Runescape is for fun and not to make loads of gold in game. The gold I receive in game comes automatically as I skill a lot when I do play.

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Friday, July 17, 2009

RS Updates: Worlds still down

We've temporarily taken down some of our game worlds due to ongoing issues with our ISP Navisite. We deeply regret the service outage, and as I mentioned before we are now in the process of moving to a better ISP.

As mentioned earlier, we have been in touch with the affected ISP, Navisite, to request that they resolve the problem with their routers, but so far they have not managed to do this. As the worlds in question can't be used reliably until Navisite have sorted themselves out, we've taken them offline.

The following worlds are currently affected: 4-9, 13, 14, 17-22, 26-32, 37, 42, 47, 48, 56, 61, 62, 64-66, 70, 72, 100 and 113-116.

For the moment, we can only ask that you use a different world for the time being, and again I want to express my deepest regrets for the inconvenience. It naturally goes without saying that we will not be continuing to use Navisite in future.

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Friday, July 17, 2009

RS Updates: Bounty Worlds (+1 Item)


With the recent disabling of Protect Item prayers on PvP Worlds, a lot of players feel that we had rendered their high-value weapons (godswords and dragon claws, in particular) worthless. While no changes had been made to the weapons themselves, the amount of wealth you had to risk in order to use those weapons was considered prohibitively high.

We obviously don’t want you to feel like your investment is wasted; we appreciate how much work some of you have put into getting those items! But, we also don’t want to undo changes that we feel are good for PKing as whole.

So, we’ve come up with a way of hopefully achieving both goals. Today we are introducing a new type of Bounty World. These ‘+1 item’ worlds still won’t allow you to use the Protect Item prayer, but, instead, everyone will always keep their most valuable item protected.

On these worlds, to gain drop potential you (as usual) have to be risking 75k (or 25k on a free world). Because you always keep your most valuable item on these worlds, this means you have to risk 75k of items in ADDITION to your always-protected item.

This has the following advantages:

a) It still achieves our original intentions of making it harder to gain drop potential and participate in rewarding combat without actually really risking something;

b) It stops high-value weapons being made worthless and still maintains that type of gameplay for people who enjoy it;

c) Conversely, people who feel the new, more powerful weapons unbalanced PKing, without any risk to the wielder, have a different type of world that they can enjoy too.

NOTE - Our ISP issues have meant that world 32, the planned +1 item Bounty World for free players, is not currently available. We sincerely apologise and hope to get this world back online as soon as possible.

Mod Benny
RuneScape Content Developer

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Friday, July 17, 2009

RS Updates: Worlds Down

Dear players,

We'd like to sincerely apologise for a number of worlds being down since late last night. This is due to Navisite, one of our ISPs in Nevada. We are deeply disappointed in the service we have received from Navisite during the course of our relationship, and will not only be seeking damages for this service outage, but will naturally be moving all of our services from Navisite to a better ISP.

We are working really hard to bring these worlds back online using our other data centres around the world. Once again, our sincerest apologies for this disruption.

The worlds that are down are:
1, 2, 7-9, 21-22, 26-32, 42, 47-48, 56, 70, 100

Mark Gerhard
CEO Jagex Ltd.

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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Runescape: Getting started

To create a new account, go to Runescape.
  1. Enter a name for your character. If the name is already taken, you will be advised of this and you will need to try again until you find an available name.
  2. Complete the form and accept the terms and conditions.
  3. You are now ready to enter the game and create your character.
  4. Decide if you want your character to be male or female and then give your character a look.
  5. The look that you create for your character now is just a default look. You will be able to clothe your character in various items that you will obtain in the game.
  6. If you decide later that you do not like the default look of your character, you can change this in the game.

  7. You will now find yourself on Tutorial Island where you will learn a little about the game.

  8. You will see a flashing yellow arrow point to a Runescape guide, talk to this non playing character (npc). You will find many npc’s in the game.
  9. Follow the instructions given to you by the various Runescape guides. They will explain all skills available to free players and they may give you items to perform certain tasks.
  10. Once you are done on Tutorial Island, you can speak to the Magic Instructor who will give you a teleport spell to the mainland found in your spell book. This spell you will keep and is called the Lumbridge Home teleport. It is a free spell which does not require any runes and is available to use 30 min after you last used it.

  11. Lumbridge Village – this has changed for the better for new players.

  12. Once you have teleported off Tutorial Island, you will find yourself in Lumbridge.
  13. You are now in the “real” Runescape world.
  14. You can speak to the various tutors (you will see an icon – question mark – on the mini map near them). To earn money, you can do little jobs for them. Alternatively, you can kill monsters (for your level) for gold coins.
  15. I’d suggest that you’d start cutting normal logs and burning them to increase both your woodcutting and firemaking levels. Get them to about lvl 5 – 10.
  16. Before attempting to attack any npc’s you should get yourself some food and armour to prevent you from dying from their attacks.
  17. There is a bank on top of Lumbridge Castle. Bank all your items, except those that you will need, e.g. hatchet for cutting logs and tinderbox for burning the logs.
  18. Go out and explore, but for now try and stay close to Lumbridge. If you get lost, ask other players for help or the globe icon (world map). This will open into a big map and show you exactly where you are.
I wish that they had all these tutors in the game (not just on Tutorial Island) and the world map when I first started playing Runescape a few years ago.

Good luck and have fun.

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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

RS Updates: Faruq's Tools for Games

Knowing that many of RuneScape's adventurers sometimes like to kick back and enjoy time with their friends and clan-mates, Al Kharid's newest resident, the mysterious entrepreneur Faruq, has brought to market a selection of curiosities to help pass the time between grand escapades.

If your clan needs fair ways of making decisions, then Faruq has something for you. If you want to have a race without any cheating or need something to mark the route, he can help. Whether you’re planning a scavenger hunt, a race, a seeking game or any kind of adventure within the adventure, Faruq asks only that you look at his wares, because he might have just what you need.

To peruse Faruq’s Tools for Games, check out the stall he has set up next to Ali Morrisane in Al Kharid market.

This is an unusual update for us, because, unlike just about everything else in RuneScape, we haven’t planned out what you should do with it. During development, we thought of things you could do, of course, but I’m eager to see what else you can come up with yourselves.

To make the tools, we sought suggestions from the forums, fan sites and various corners of Jagex. It all helped shape the project, and some of the players who made suggestions when the developer blog went out should find certain objects very familiar: congratulations on making your mark on the game!

Mod Hew
RuneScape Content Developer

In other news...

You can once again walk out of Edgeville’s bank using the minimap when heading north-east!

We’ve removed a small selection of items from the Grand Exchange to improve offer matching. For example, all but the fully charged and lowest charged versions of enchanted rings have been removed. The removed items can still be traded; they just no longer show up on the Grand Exchange.

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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

RS Updates: PvP World Changes

Players who enter a PvP or Bounty World will now automatically become skulled and unable to use the Protect Item prayer. The skull will not disappear over time or when a player dies, unless they go to a non-PvP world, in which case the skull behaves like normal. Note that this means you will always lose everything you are carrying if you get killed by another player, and that there is no way for you to keep any items on death while in a PvP or Bounty World.

Additionally, on members’ worlds, your victims must now lose at least 75,000 coins’ worth of items (increased from 25,000) for your earning potential to be applied to the drop. On free-to-play worlds, the amount the victim must lose remains at 25,000 coins.

Please note that you will have to be in a safe area before you can next log into a PvP or Bounty World. You will need to log into a non-PvP/Bounty World in order to move to a safe area. This is to ensure nobody logs in risking more than they are aware of. A message will explain this on login if you try to enter these worlds. This only applies to your next PvP/Bounty World login; from then on, you will be able to log in as normal.

Mod Benny
RuneScape Content Developer

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Wednesday, July 08, 2009

RS Updates: Mobilising Armies


Mobilising Armies is a new multiplayer combat minigame, but instead of controlling your avatar you’ll be controlling a whole battalion, deploying your squads with tactical precision and trying to second-guess the intentions of your opponents. There are four different scenarios to play in: Conflict, Siege, Hoard and Rescue. Each presents its own set of challenges, such as building catapults, collecting resources and stealing from your opponents, to name just a few. Don’t worry about finding three other players, though: when you turn up at the command centre the officers will arrange your match for you.

As we all know, war isn’t cheap, so with Mobilising Armies we are introducing a commodity-exchange system. If, after training a skill, you’re left with a lot of commodities that you don’t need yourself (e.g. a surplus of jewellery after training Crafting), you’ll be able to trade them in at the command centre for investment credits, which can then be exchanged for squads and special units, such as cannons, barricades or exploding chinchompas. You can also choose to stake investment credits in an impending battle for a larger payout of reward credits, which can in turn be spent on additional items.

There are a variety of rewards for victorious commanders, including quest kits that let you hold much-needed questing tools in one inventory slot, resource locators that’ll teleport you directly to resources such as mining spots and trees, and “spoils of war”, which are a selection of resources, gold and items that will allow you to train your skills further

Good luck, and enjoy!

Mod Tim, Lead Content Developer, and Mod Maz, Content Developer and Queen of the Squirrels

In other news...

We’ve added the ability for you to make notes. To access this new feature, click on the Notes icon at the bottom-right of the screen. This remarkably simple system enables you to leave up to 30 notes for yourself, each of which can be up to 50 characters long.

On a related note, any invalid player names saved in your Friends/Ignore lists have been marked with a *.

We’ve also moved the Summoning interface’s functionality to the Summoning icon next to the minimap – simply right-click on this icon for all your pet/familiar needs. We’re aware this leaves a blank ‘stone’ on the interface; there is another new feature planned to go in that space.

We've added an alternative sitting position when you rest. You can toggle how you sit by clicking rest again to choose your preferred pose.

Zanik's crossbow can now be used with many more varieties of bolts. It seems that it only used a small selection beforehand.

The filter for the quest list will no longer remove quests you've already started.

Summoning scrolls should no longer interfere with special attack energy replenishing.

You can no longer use fairy rings while you are tele-blocked. This seemed a bit inconsistent with other areas of the game.

You can now take familiars over the bridge towards Zamorak in the God Wars Dungeon, so you don't have to dismiss them and then summon them again after crossing.

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Friday, July 03, 2009

The Rules of Runescape

The MMORPG Runescape is played by millions of people from all over the world with diverse cultural backgrounds and languages. Like any other game, Runescape too has its dishonest players (the disruptive minority) and, therefore, the creators (Jagex) of this game have implemented rules to protect the others who play their game.

Generally, most players are friendly and helpful but should you encounter another player whose behaviour you consider abusive towards you, you can report them by using the in game Report Abuse feature and action will be taken against these players if Jagex player support team agrees with you after the matter has been investigated.

There are three categories of rules, namely: honour, respect and security. A new player should familiarise himself/herself before playing the game.

* Macroing, and use of bots or third-party software
* Real-world trading
* Buying, selling or sharing an account
* Multiple logging-in
* Knowingly exploiting a bug
* Jagex staff impersonation
* Password, account, bank PIN or item scamming
* Advert blocking
* Encouraging others to break the rules

* Discrimination of any kind, whether based on another player's race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation or religious beliefs
* Solicitation
* Threatening another player, or bullying of any kind
* Using obscene or inappropriate language
* Spamming, or disruptive behaviour
* Misuse of the forums

* Asking for or providing contact information such as full names, ages, postal or email addresses, telephone numbers or bank details
* Discussing or advocating illegal activity of any kind, such as the use of illegal drugs
* Advertising other websites

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